Current President for 2025

John Gilbert

Mission Statement

Our club is devoted to all woodworkers of all skill levels and every kind of woodworking interest. We are here to promote safety, good fellowship, and to create and improve ideas, and have better success with each project.

Past, Present & Future CVWA

December 30, 2003–Initially, the CVWA promoted the values as stated in the mission statement. However we have expanded our horizons to include the overall community and their needs and interests as well.

The Cedar Valley Woodworkers Association was started in 1999 as the brain child of Dan Dunnwald, who wanted to share his woodworking skill with others and learn from them. The group met on a regular basis in Dan’s garage for about 4 years. After the meager beginning the group had grew to more than 50 members. The group was primarily helping each of the members by doing demonstrations on various woodworking techniques and procedures. With word of mouth, the group quickly grew. They outgrew the 2-car garage in short order and moved to a meeting room at Lowe’s Building Supply. After a short stint there, the meetings had to be expanded again because of the number of new members. We now meet at the Waterloo Center for the Arts .   

The membership has been steady at about 100 memers.The membership is open to the public and we have members ranging in age from 14 to 80+ years of age. Our membership encompasses a radius of approximately 60 miles, including approximately 10 or more cities.

We have established a set of bylaws, completed our incorporation papers and have purchased liability insurance for our club activities.

The leadership attempts to have two tours a year for expanding the member’s horizons into other aspects in woodworking. We also have shop tours of members shops, so that the other members can see how to set up their shops or develop their shops and tools accordingly.

In December

We finish out the year with a Christmas potluck. Spouses are invited, members bring in projects that they have done during the year. All members and their significant others are invited to vote on the projects to determine the best in each category.  

Cedar Valley Woodworkers Association (CVWA) newsletter is published monthly and distributed both electronically via email and regular postal mail. The newsletter recaps the highlights of the previous meeting, announces the upcoming topic for the next meeting, and has a for sale/wanted to buy section for the members. It also has the minutes of the regular club and board meetings along with any club announcements.  

In the last eight years

We have also incorporated the needs of the communities in our area to include service projects that benefit their respective interests. This is a way of club members working together to promote the club and offer wooden items at no cost to worthy organizations. We have  made flag cases for the families of people who died in the 9-11 attack on the country. We have made toys for the Salvation Army Christmas toy give-a-way program,  turned bowls for the North Eastern Iowa Food Bank to auction off for The “Empty Bowl” fund raiser.   Projects have been donated to the Black Hawk County Family and Children’s Council and  donated toys to the Waverly Iowa Battered Women’s Shelter; built kitchen cabinets for a Church-sponsored house rehabilitation project in Waterloo; helped in renovation of the Salvation Army’s homeless shelter; contributed to the Sartori Hospital’s “Festival of Trees” fund raiser, contributed caskets and urns for premature babies through the “Precious Angels of Iowa” and other community service projects.

However our main purpose, which will be steadfast in our minds, will be promoting safe woodworking habits and enhancing the skills of the current members.

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